Gas-based systems

Extinguish without foam or water

Gas-based extinguishing systems are generally used in facilities where water cannot be used as the extinguishing agent. Typical applications include electrical equipment rooms, control rooms and server rooms as well as data processing facilities.

Damage to people and property can be prevented or controlled by means of appropriate fire prevention. The gas-based extinguishing systems we deliver are people-safe and cause no danger to those working in the facilities.

The gas-based extinguishing systems and gases available in our product range include Novec 1230 (3M), Argotec and MX 1230.

We also sell and install Inergen gas extinguishing systems. Inergen gas extinguishing is a people-safe and environmentally friendly solution.

The commissioning of a gas-based extinguishing system requires careful planning by a qualified professional. The fire load and people-safety of the facility being protected must already be taken into account at the design stage.

Firecon installs and services gas-based extinguishing systems. The installation and servicing operations are carried out under the surveillance of supervisors listed by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes). The actions carried out in accordance with the servicing and maintenance programme will ensure reliable operation of the extinguishing system year after year.

A gas system is typically a part of a turnkey delivery where Firecon delivers all the required fire extinguishing systems to the customer.