Pipe and tank installations and servicing

For the needs of industry

Firecon Group Oy carries out installation and servicing for industrial pipes and tanks, such as process pipes and tanks of the chemicals and pulp and paper industry. We also provide installation monitoring and work supervision services for industrial facilities.

Our services include pipe and tank installations and servicing, machine and equipment installations, annual maintenance and maintenance during outages, servicing and replacement of heat exchangers as well as installation monitoring and work supervision. Our clientele consists of customers from the mining, chemistry, forestry and steel industries. Several industrial facilities, workshops and oil refineries contract out the installation and servicing of their pipelines and tanks, which allows them to allocate their resources to their primary functions.

As a specialty, we also carry out the replacement of distillation column fillers (e.g., structured and ring fillers) for the chemicals industry. We have references of dismantling and installation assignments for several filler manufacturers.

We monitor the quality of our work

Supervisors approved by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) oversee the pipeline and tank installations. Our industrial services have been audited by PICS, a leading contractor prequalification service in the US, and we meet the most stringent of the US requirements pertaining to quality and operations.